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Previous Projects

  • May 2018 - Pas De Deux.

During January 2018, Joe filmed with Resource Productions for a short film. This film was released in May 2018 as part of the Channel 4 Random acts comissions. This was Joe's first performance in a short film. Click on the view more icon below to view the film in full.  


  • May 2018 - Fusion .

Joe was involved in Fusion at Sadlers Wells. Fusion was the world's first inclusive ballroom and latin showcase, curated by Rashmi Becker from Step Change Studios. Joe choreographed and performed in two pieces for this project. Click on the view more icon to view the trailer from the show.


Photography by Stephen Wright.


  •  Ballet Cymru Digital Content and Inclusive Dance Camp. Spring and Summer 2020 - Joe began working with Ballet Cymru as a company dancer just as the first lockdown happened in March 2020. Joe began his contract with the company by creating and producing remote digital content between April and June of 2020. Joe assisted in the delivery of summer inclusive dance camp, delivered via zoom in August in 2020.

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Photography by Sian Trenberth

  • April - July 2020 - Capezio Live classes. During COVID restrictions Joe and his sister Holly taught weekly classes through capezio instagram. These classes were catered to differing abilities with seated options for different exercises during the ballet class.

  • July 2020 - Conversations for future selves.  

Joe was part of the conversations project run through the Welsh Arts Council and Nesta. This project highlighted the difficulties that people living with a disability were facing throughout the COVID pandemic. Joe created a short film entitled Y Ddraig. This film followed the momentum created by the #weshallnotberemoved campaign. Click here to watch the film Y Ddraig in full.

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  • October 2020 - Plethu/Weave.

Joe was part of the Plethu/Weave programme through the National Dance Company of Wales. For this project Joe collaborated with Poet, Aneirin Karadog. Joe and Aneirin created O'r Lludw. The film focused on challenging perceptions of disability as we enter a new and exciting chapter in the integrated dance sector.


Strictly Cymru Schools. Ballet Cymru Leonard Cheshire - Joe returned to the studio with Ballet Cymru in September 2020. Joe was part of the Strictly Cymru Schools project curated by Leonard Cheshire and Ballet Cymru. The Project gives participants with additional learning needs the chance to engage with dance and create and perform a routine in the Strictly Cymru Compeition. Joe was part of the learning pack for the 2020/21 participants to learn some movements remotely. This video package will be in circulation for the next three years. To find out more info click here.  


Joe with participants of the Strictly Cymru Schools 2020/2021 compeition, after coming to watch Ballet Cymru Made in Wales in November 2021. Photography by Leonard Cheshire.

  • Ballet Cymru Research and Development Period November and December 2020 - In November 2020 whilst in the midst of Covid restrictions, Joe returned to working with rest of the company dancers at Ballet Cymru in person. During this time the company began to develop ideas and movements in preparation for the 2021 production of Giselle which was created in collaboration with Artistic Directors of the Company, Darius James and Amy Doughty. Joe also worked with ex Alvin Ailey Dancer Marcus Jarrell Willis on creating a piece specifically for film.


Stills from Ballet Cymru's Flame Lily and Isolated pulses, two digital films developed during the R&D period in November 2020.


  • January 2021 - Concurrent.

During January 2021 Joe collaborated remotely with fellow freelance dancers Ann Wall and Emma Slater . The three dancers created a neo-classical piece set to music by Max Richter. Each dancer filmed from their respective homes and sent the footage through to artist Carl Chapple for him to create artwork from the choreography.

The piece is to be made into a short film which will be shared on social media.


Artwork by Carl Chapple

  • April 2021 - Light. was created by freelance dancer and choreographer Suzie Curren. The film was adapted from the song "Light" from the musical Next to Normal. The project brought together dancers and singers who had work cancelled or postsponed due to the COVID restrictions. The project was created entirely remotely and explored the benefits of technology by making it appear that all the dancers and singers were in the same room. The project from inception to completion took place between January and April 2021.


Still from Light. Choreographed by by Suzie Curren in 2021.

  • Ballet Cymru Remote work and Continued Research and Development January -April 2021 - During the early part of 2021, Joe continued to work with Ballet Cymru both remotely and later on in person. Between January and February Joe assisted in the remote delivery of weekly dance sessions to participants of the duets programme. Joe also was a co-course leader for the February Half-term inclusive dance course. 

  •  Between March and April 2021 Joe continued to engage in a research and development periods with Ballet Cymru in preparation for the production of Giselle. Joe spent two weeks in person working in a close contact bubble as well as engaging in the process remotely. During this time Joe participated in two dance films one based on the work being developed for Giselle and the other with ex Ballet Cymru Dancer Krystal Lowe.

  • Joe also created his own short film depicting his own personal feelings of Lockdown and the pandemic. To view this click here.


Joe rehearsing in the Ballet Cymru Studios. Photography by BBC News.

  • Ballet Cymru rehearsals and performances as a company dancer  May - November 2021 - Joe worked with Ballet Cymru as a full time company from May 2021. Joe performed with Ballet Cymru in a reimagined version of the Ballet Giselle with music composed by Catrin FInch and choreography created by the company dancers and Amy Doughty and Darius James. Joe performed in a total of fourteen performances of Giselle, in a UK tour spread across England and Wales. The tour began in Lichfield Cathedral in July and ended in Llanelli in November. 

  • During the autumn Joe created a soloist role in Murmurations, choreographed by ex Ballet Boyz and Welsh dancer Liam Riddick. Murmurations was performed in Newport and in Sadlers Wells as part of the Made in Wales programme. A film version was created to be viewed as part of Ballet Cymru's digital programme.

  • Joe also performed in Poems and Tiger eggs set to Dylan Thomas' poems narrated by Cerys Matthews with music by Arun Ghosh. 


  • Following the conclusion of Joe's contract with the company in 2021, whilst incredibly grateful and thankful for the opportunity, Joe made the decision to pursue opportunities as freelance artist in 2022. 


Photography by Sian Trenberth.

  • September 2021 - Paralympic Homecoming with the Royal Ballet and Birdy.  In September 2021 Joe became the first dancer using a wheelchair and crutches to perform with the Royal Ballet. Joe performed at the Wembley Arena for the Paralympic Homecoming celebrating the amazing success of the Paralympic GB Athletes achieved during Tokyo 2020. Joe performed a bespoke piece he created alongside Royal Ballet Dancer Kristen Mcnally, to the emotive song " Nobody knows me like you do" by international singer and songwriter Birdy. It was a true full circle moment for Joe and he really enjoyed performing alongside talented dancers from the Royal Ballet. Click on the image to see the performance in full and click here to see Joe's interview with ITV News about the event and his hopes to collaborate with the Royal Ballet again.


Photography by Getty Images.

  • Royal Opera House Insights: How can we make the arts more disability-inclusive? - As part of the Royal Opera House inaugural celebration for International Day of persons with Disability, the Opera House put together leading voices from the inclusive arts sector to discuss strategies for the future and continued progression. Joe was honoured to be featured as a panelist for this event on the 3rd December 2021. To find out more about this event including info about the panelists and also to watch the event in full click here.



  • Ballet Cymru Digital Stage  - Whilst working with Ballet Cymru in 2020 and 2021, under strict COVID restrictions, Joe was part of six short films intended to be released on the Digital Stage. Joe worked with choreographers including Liam Riddick, Amy Doughty and Darius James and Marcus Willis. Joe also created and choreographed his own film expressing the thoughts and feelings throughout the pandemic through movement. The Ballet Cymru Digital Stage was launched in March 2022. 

Photography by Patricia Powell-Main from Creation by Joe Powell-Main for Ballet Cymru Digital Stage. 


Joe Powell-Main and Kristen McNally in new creation by Kristen McNally and Alexander Campbell. The Royal Ballet Spring Draft Works 2022. Photography by Asya Verzhbinksy.

  • I am 8 R&D Period - During May 2022 Joe was part of a week long research and development period with Sweetshop Revolution at Memo Arts Centre in Barry South Wales. Joe united with four other freelance dance artists and Artistic Director Sally Marie, to begin creating work based on the experience of being an eight year old. The information gathered by Joe and other dance artists in workshops in schools across Wales was used as the starting point for the creative process. The week culminated in a twenty minute showing for ninety local school children, to gain a greater understanding for the next phase of the project. The intention is to expand on this creative process, with a full length production based on the 2015 production of I am 8 , this new production being performed at Welsh venues in 2023. For information click here.

In rehearsal with Josie Sinnadurai May 2022. Photography by Roy Campbell. 

  • One Young World Manchester Summit 2022 - Joe performed at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester as part of the Opening Ceremony on the 5th of September 2022, for the Manchester 2022 summit. This was the biggest performing arts event that has taken in place in Manchester. The event was produced by Private Drama Events. Joe, directed and created an original contemporary lyrical ballet piece, entitled Undone.  Alongside creating this piece, Joe also performed in it with two dancers based in the North-West, professional ballet dancer Elizabeth Griffiths and current dance student at the Arden School of Theatre Scott Kidd. The piece was accompanied with live music provided by the Untold Orchestra. To catch up on the live streamed event click here.


One Young World Opening Summit 2022. Photography Madeleine Penfold. 

  • The Power of Performance: This Is Us -  was a brand new large scale outdoor production commissioned by the Rugby League World Cup as part of a cultural festival around the tournament. The project was produced by Pinwheel LTD who workied with a range of artists from  the creative industries, including Southpaw Dance a dance company based in the North East and led by Robbie Graham. Joe performed as part of Zone 2, celebrating the progressive nature of the Rugby League game. The production, was performed in Newcastle, Hull and Leeds throughout October 2022. For more information click here.

  • Sleepwalker (The Film) in presented by The Royal Ballet in association with Alexander Campbell Productions - The Royal Ballet  challenge perceptions in the film of Sleepwalker, a new creation featuring disabled dancer Joe Powell-Main and Royal Ballet First Artist Isabel Lubach. Sleepwalker is a contemporary reimagining of La Sonnambula directed by Alexander Campbell and Kristen McNally. The film was created to promote the project. The footage comprised of rehearsal footage, interviews from Joe and Alexander, and also snippets from a sharing of the piece specifically for camera. The footage was filmed and edited by Sean Flanagan and Dylan Vivian. The film premiered on the 2nd November as part of the Royal Opera House's celebration of World Ballet Day 2022. To find out more about the World Ballet Day celebrations, click here. To watch the short film of Sleepwalker click here. Pointe magazine also covered the story of Sleepwalker and the hopes by all involved to continue developing this project in the future, to read this article click here. 

  • National Youth Ballet Applied Ballet - All in! -  Joe was a guest teacher on the Applied Ballet - All in project. National Youth Ballet in partnership with Parable Dance offered three inclusive training sessions throughout December for ballet teachers and practitioners to begin the process of developing strategies for making classes and training more accessible. Joe lead a practical session based on the Sugar Plum Variation from the ballet The Nutcracker.  The session included the teaching of this variation through the use of the Universal Design of Instruction technique, allowing for the participants to develop skills that will help to deliver similar work using more accessible strategies. Joe did a special demonstration performance and gave insight to the lived experience of having a disability both inside and outside the studio.  


  • Beyond Syllabus Dance Conference 2023 - Joe was a guest speaker for BBODance online conference taking place on the 5th January 2023. Joe's talk entitled Challenging yourself and challenging perceptions, provided a unique insight into the lived experience of having disability both in everyday life and also in the dance studio. Joe also talked about his career so far including his recent collaborations with the Royal Ballet and Southpaw dance for the Rugby League World Cup Cultural Festival. To find out more information click here.

  • Snow Queen with Propel Dance -  Joe worked with Propel Dance on their inaugural production, which was a brand new version of the fairy-tale The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Anderson. The production began it's three venue tour to a sold out audience at the Old Library Theatre in Mansfield on the 14th April, and followed this with another sold out performance on 23rd April at the Midlands Arts Centre.  The final performance for this pilot phase for the company and project was on the 27th April at the Arena Theatre in Wolverhampton. The hope is the company will continue to expand and develop. Propel Dance is a brand new dance company and is the  first UK based dance company to be comprised of dancers, all of who are wheelchair users. In this brand new production Joe portrayed the role of a Goblin and also the central male identifying character of Kai, also known as Kay in some versions of the story.  To find out more about the company and it's performances click here. 


Rebecca Fowler as The Snow Queen and Joe Powell-Main as Kai in Propel Dance's production of The Snow Queen. Photography by Dani Bower. 

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  • Northern Ballet Expressions: Translating Classical Technique - Joe was delighted to lead a sold out workshop on the 14th July 2023, as part of Northern Ballet's Expressions event. Joe's workshop focused on providing ideas and tools to give dance practitioners and teachers ideas to allow for further access for dancers with different needs in the classical ballet style. The workshop included themes from the Universal Design of Instruction Technique, a technique first developed by Swiss dance practitioner Jurg Koch . The workshop deconstructed and translated, a selection of technical exercises as well as the Bluebird Variation from Act 3 of the ballet Sleeping Beauty.  Joe performed a demonstration of this variation and then allowed the participants to create their own translated versions in groups, which they also shared at the end of the workshop. 

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  • National Youth Ballet All In - Joe worked with National Youth Ballet on their inclusive project All In which formed part of his role as the new NYB Ambassador. All In, is a project aimed at working with dancers with different accessible needs to provide training and performance opportunities. The project is delivered in partnership with Parable Dance. For this stage of the project Joe provided mentorship for Beyond Ballet choreographers, Ross Black and Hannah George who worked with the dancers who were part of this project, to devise choreography based on the ballet Romeo and Juliet, which was performed as a sharing on the 1st September at South East Dance. During this week long project Joe also delivered a choreographic workshop through zoom based on the Dance of The Knights. For more information about the project click here

Photography by Jules Renehan. 

  • Birmingham Ballet Company Recital 2023 - Joe worked with Birmingham Ballet Company as a Principal Dancer for the 2023 season.  The performance of the Aladdin and The Lamp took place on the 2nd of September 2023 at Ruddock Arts Centre in Birmingham with accompaniment from a live string orchestra.  In this production Joe performed the role of the Sultan (Jasmine's Father). Joe also worked with the young dancers of BBCO assisting with rehearsals and helping to create and teach choreography, during the casting and creation days of the project. 

Photography by Kate Frost. 

The Sleepwalker at Greenwich and Docklands International Festival 2023 -   Joe was delighted to announce the return of Sleepwalker presented by The Royal Ballet in association with Alexander Campbell Productions that was performed on the 9th and 10th September 2023 at the Columbus Courtyard site at Dancing City part of the 2023 edition of the Greenwich and Docklands International Festival. 

The Sleepwalker is an inclusive and emotionally charged duet featuring Joe Powell-Main and Royal Ballet First Artist, Isabel Lubach. The duet is directed by Royal Ballet Principal Alexander Campbell and choreographed by Royal Ballet Principal Character Artist Kristen McNally. The piece is a contemporary reimagining of La Sonnabula (The Sleepwalker) and challenges perceptions of ballet, movement, perceptions and form with an atmospheric score composed by Sophie Cotton. To find out more information about this production click here.

Photography by Asya Verzhbinksy

Photography by Jules Renehan. 

UCEN Manchester Graduation Ceremony 2023 - Joe was delighted to share that his return to UCEN Manchester as a guest speaker for the 2023 Graduation Ceremony on the 24th October 2023. As a speaker for this event Joe hoped to inspire the graduating students to believe that anything is possible and motivate them for this next challenge as they move onto new ventures. 

Let Life Dance Research and Development - Joe worked with Humans Move  led by Jessie Brett on a research and development project at Theatr Brycheiniog in Brecon, looking at bringing together dancers from all over Wales, to explore the possibility of creating a family show for the future. The project took place over eight days and culminated in a small performance at theatre to a small invited audience. 


Empower in Motion: A dance inclusive  - was a gala performance that took place on 7th February 2024 at Sadlers Wells, celebrating and fundraising for the 30th year of the charity Children Today. The evening celebrated dance at its finest, featuring well known classical repertoire and new inspiring pieces showing the power that inclusive dance has. The cast  included: International Principal Dancers Daniil Simkin, Maria Kochetkova, Joseph Powell-Main (Gala ambassador), Stopgap Dance Company, English National Ballet Dancers, Gareth Haw, Shiori Kase, Sanguen Lee, Freelance Dance artist Hannah Rudd, National Youth Ballet in collaboration with Parable Dance, The Royal Ballet School and Propel Dance.  

Joe was delighted to be part of this exciting event both as a performer and ambassador. He performed  (by kind permission of the Royal Opera House and Alexander Campbell Productions), The Sleepwalker alongside leading freelance dance artist Hannah Rudd as well as a World Premiere of his new solo work Passionately Defiant, which was set to a dramatic piece of music and is inspired by his journey to be able to dance again after acquiring his disability. The show received five star reviews from numerous dance critics. A huge thanks to the fantastic charity Children Today and the wonderful producers of the event Ross Freddie Ray and Henry Dowden. Hopefully this just the beginning of further collaborations with the charity and wonderful producers with much more to come! 


Photograph - Rehearsals: ©️2021 ROH. Photographed by Andrej Uspenski

Family Sunday Dazzling Debut as Part of the Royal Ballet's Festival of New Choreography - Joe was delighted to announce he would working with the Royal Opera House Learning and participation team to deliver the Family Sunday: Dazzling Debut event which forms  part of The Royal Ballet's Festival of New Choreography. Joe's workshop that he delivered alongside David Pickering and Elizabeth Foster from the Royal Ballet Learning and Participation team focused on magical family fun inspired by Joe's new creation alongside ideas which is currently in development. The Family Sunday also featured ideas and themes from new creations by Royal Ballet dancers and choreographers Valentino Zuchetti and Kristen McNally.  The Festival of New Choreography is part of The Royal Ballet's commitment to champion new and diverse voices in dance and choreography, with workshops, performances and demonstrations taking place across the many spaces and stages at The Royal Opera House. Joe was delighted to be part of this festival. For more information about the festival click here. 


Royal Opera House Live at Lunch: Festival of New Choreography - Joe was delighted to share choreographic work that he performed alongside Welsh freelance ballerina Ella Appleby as part of research and development inspired by the Welsh tale, Lady of Llyn y Fan Fach. Joe and Ella shared two extracts from this work in progress at The Royal Opera House Paul Hamlyn Hall as part of a special live at lunch event on the 23rd February, which was part of the Royal Ballet's Festival of New Choreography. The Festival of New Choreography is part of The Royal Ballet's commitment to champion new and diverse voices in dance and choreography, with workshops, performances and demonstrations taking place across the many spaces and stages at The Royal Opera House. Joe was delighted to be part of this festival and hopes this is the start of more choreographic development based on this idea. For more information about the festival click here.  

Critical Dance Pedagogy through Discourse and Practice Symposium - is a national network formed of five hubs across the UK. The project aims to challenge the stereotypes of dance education by discovering new ideas of within dance education and highlight the need for change and continued further progression. Joe was delighted to be part of an event through Canterbury University on the 1st March 2024 which was a day filled with different workshops addressing the continued need for diversity within dance education. The event is curated by Professor Angela Pickard from Canterbury university. For this event Joe  delivered an inclusive dance workshop alongside Natasha Britton from Parable Dance. For more information click here


A Universal Approach to Ballet BBODance Webinar - The art form of Classical Ballet, has so much potential to become more inclusive and accessible to dancers with different needs. But the question is how to make the technique more accessible? 

In this CPD session on the 6th March, disabled dancer and BBO Patron, Joe Powell-Main, provided an introduction as well ideas on how to make a Ballet class more accessible, using some ideas from the Universal Design of Instruction technique.

This webinar was open to all dance teachers, not just BBO members and will be worth 2 hours of CPD. The CPD recording will be available to view soon. 

For more information click here


BBODance Dance Days 2024 - Joe was delighted to share that he would be performing his new creation Passionately Defiant that recently premiered at Empower in Motion during the 2024 edition of Dance Days Curated by BBODance. The performance took place at Elmhurst Ballet School on the 5th April 2024. Dance days are an opportunity for young dancers and dance teachers to come together to celebrate dance through a variety of different classes and masterclasses taught by industry professional across a few days. The intensive culminates in a performance and sharing of work. For more information on dance days click here. 

The Royal Opera House Insights: The Next Generation Taking Shape - Joe was delighted to share that his new work Strength in Adversity featuring him and dancers from The National Youth Ballet for The Next Generation Festival 2024,   would be featured in this insight alongside dancers from The Royal Ballet School and The Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance rehearsing choreography by Gemma Bond and Faye Tan. This insight gave the audience an opportunity to gain further knowledge into the choreographic process for some of the pieces for this festival, as well as celebrating new and emerging talent. Joe was also part of a panel alongside the choreographers discussing further information about Strength in Adversity. For  more information click here. 

The Royal Opera House Presents: The Next Generation Festival - Joe was delighted to announce that he would be collaborating with dancers from National Youth Ballet, as part of All About Us a unique bill celebrating diverse voices in ballet. The quadruple bill is curated by the CHANCE2DANCE project at the Royal Opera House for The Next Generation Festival. Joe was commissioned by The Royal Opera House to  choreograph a piece entitled Strength in Adversity that he would also be performing in alongside young dancers from NYB. The piece included a reimagined version of Joe's original work from 2022 Undone.  All About U also featured performances from The Royal Ballet School's Primary Steps Programme and Chance to Dance legacy company, Chance to Dance Connect company, all formed through programmes developed by The Royal Ballet's Learning and Participation Team. Click here to find out more information. 

Translating Classical Technique at Northern Ballet Expressions 2024 - Joe was delighted to return to Expressions at Northern Ballet  in July 2024 to lead another CPD session providing inclusive ideas for dance teachers in the style of classical ballet. This workshop followed on from Joe's workshop the previous year, however participants didn't need to have attended the previous workshop to be part of this one. Joe worked with participants to translate a selection of technical exercises as well as a well as the Gamzatti Variation from La Bayadère. For more information click here

BBO Dance Encompass Dance Conference -   Joe was delighted to be part of this event which brought together four different industry professionals to take part in an online webinar to inspire and get BBOdance teachers ready and prepared for the new term and academic year. Joe's session entitled Choreographic Composition: an insight into a creative process focused on sharing Joe's choreographic process and giving BBODance Teachers ideas as the new term approaches. Joe also talked about his recent choreographic experiences as part of the The Royal Ballet's Festival of New Choreography and Next Generation Festival. For more information click here. 


Three Short Ballets with Northern Ballet - Joe is delighted to share his engagement as a Guest Artist Northern Ballet, for the company's 2024/2025 Mixed Bill. Joe is part of Victory Dance choreographed by Principal Artist of The Royal Ballet, Kristen McNally who Joe has previously worked with on The Sleepwalker. The piece features Joe and two dancers from Northern Ballet. The first run of performances were between 6th - 14th September at The Stanley and Audrey Burton Theatre in Leeds. The second round of performances are in London at The Royal Opera House Linbury Theatre. To find out more click here


Yu Wakizuka, Joe Powell-Main and Kevin Poeung in Victory Dance 2024. Photography by Robert David. 

Parable Dance Network for Emerging Inclusive Dancers - Joe was delighted to share that he would be working with Parable Dance giving a talk/workshop on the 24th September as part of the organisations Network for Emerging Inclusive Dancers. The session entitled How do we strive to make a dance space more accessible focused on exploring ideas for developing inclusive practice in both a practical and strategical capacity, with the aim being that this session would empower dance artists and teachers to support themselves and their students in the best way possible. For information click here

Choreographic Research and Development project -   Joe was delighted to share that in October 2024 he would be conducting his own choreographic research and development project . The R&D lasted  a week and Joe's aim was to develop movement material based on an idea currently entitled The Armed Man.  Joe collected footage from this creative time to at some point in the future take this idea further. For this initial R&D Joe worked with company dancers of Scottish Ballet; Antonia Cramb, Danila Marzilli, Elizabeth Williams,  Rimbaud Patron and Yuri Marques.  Joe is grateful to the company and especially CEO and Artistic Director Christopher Hampson for this R&D time to explore his creative ideas. 


BBO Dance Autumn Webinar Series - Joe was delighted to share that he would be leading a webinar session for BBODance on the 24th October. 

24th October* (10.30am - 12.30pm): 'Exploring Ways of Showing Elevation and Travel for Different Bodies in Classical Ballet' with Joe Powell-Main


In this session bbodance Patron Joe Powell-Main will unpick the stereotypical ideas of what it means to elevate and travel in Classical Ballet. This session will provide teachers with new ideas to hopefully allow them to have the confidence to explore different movement possibilities within the classical technique for dancers with different bodies. This session will combine theoretical and practical ideas with a chance to explore the translation of a well-known piece of classical repertoire.


BBC Dance Passions Swansea - Joe was delighted to announce that he would be featured on Dance Passions Swansea at 8pm on Sunday 3rd November 2024 on BBC Four and BBC Two Wales. Joe performed a solo work that combines the techniques of classical ballet and Latin and Ballroom genres. The programme also featured performances from Cerys Matthews and Welsh principal dancer of The Royal Ballet William Bracewell. 

​Dance Passion Swansea is a co-commission between BBC Arts and BBC Wales, with the support of Arts Council of Wales. World-class dancers take over Swansea’s streets, parks, landmarks, beaches and bays to showcase the city and celebrate the life-enhancing joy of dance.

The National Lottery 30th Birthday Celebration - Joe was delighted to be part of this event on the 19th November 2024 at the Science Museum in London, which celebrated 30 years of The National Lottery and all the beneficiaries of the funding. Joe was delighted to be commissioned for this event to perform a brand new solo work Never Enough to an audience of patrons and olympic and Paralympic athletes. 


Dance Syndrome Online Ballet Masterclass -  Joe was delighted to be teaching for Dance Syndrome for an online workshop on the 26th November 2024. 


 Join Joe Powell-Main for an online seated class exploring the ballet technique. The class will give you the chance to not only take part but also use your creative skills to develop your own version of a well-known piece of classical repertoire.


Reckitt International Day of Disabled Persons - Joe was delighted to share that he would be making a visit to the company Reckitt multi-national consumer company for International Day of Disabled Persons on the 3rd December 2024. As part of this visit Joe  shared a presentation about his dance journey, with a specific focus on looking at things through a different perspective, as well as an hour inclusive dance workshop for the employees of the company. 

Changing the Narrative Artist Talk at Factory International Manchester  Join leading disabled creatives Joe Powell-Main and Natalie Amber at Factory International on the 5th December 2024 for an in depth conversation on disability in dance and classical ballet. This session also included a short film detailing recent work from Joe. 


Three Short Ballets with Northern Ballet - Joe was delighted to share his engagement as a Guest Artist Northern Ballet, for the company's 2024/2025 Mixed Bill. Joe performed Victory Dance choreographed by Principal Artist of The Royal Ballet, Kristen McNally who Joe has previously worked with on The Sleepwalker. The piece features Joe and two dancers from Northern Ballet, Kevin Poeung and Yu Wakizuka as well as second cast in Archie Sherman and Noah Benzie Drayton, who also performed during the London run. The concluding run of the performances of Victory Dance occurred  between 28th - 31st January 2025 at the Linbury Theatre Royal Opera House in London. The piece received incredibly positive reviews from publications such as Bachtrack, The Stage, The Telegraph, The Guardian and more! 

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